For Guides


Business and Practice Development for Guides Program

An 8-month program of support via live Zoom sessions, online course materials, & more planning and creating your guiding practice- $800

A nature-based exploration and comprehensive online course with eight instructor-led live webinar sessions and structured peer-to-peer working groups. This course is uniquely designed for trained guides who are interested in building, creating and tending their practice.

Forest Therapy Professional Development Immersion in Massachusetts

September 10th-14th, 2023 at The Rowe Center

4 days and 4 nights of slowing down, forest therapy, learning, community, connection, envisioning and personal retreat time for anyone looking to deepen into the practice and philosophy of forest therapy. **Guides of all training schools are welcome**

Mentoring With Nadine

I offer group or one-to-one mentoring for guides.

Let's chat and see if my forest-therapy-guide mentoring program is a good fit for what you are looking for. Looking forward to hear about what support you would like with your guiding! Book a free “Are We A Fit?” chat with this link or the button below. My rates start at $110 per hour for one-one mentoring and a packages of sessions can also be purchased which brings the hourly rate down.

A practice development website for guides. No fee to join/Registration is free. Access to discussion forums is free. Courses and resources are a combination of paid and no-cost offerings. Privately Hosted: All data is protected. This means not on Facebook and in a place where we are not worried about our data being sold.

Forest Bathing with Your Dog

  1. Book

  2. Resources for leading forest therapy walks with dogs for guides
    - coming soon on

  3. Resources for forest bathing with your dog
    - coming soon

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